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Recensioni dalle famiglie ospitanti

Eric ha 2 recensioni

  • Settembre 2023

    Thank you for staying at my homestay. He was very polite and complied with the homestay rules. He followed the rule of not eating in his room, so we kept it tidy and clean without littering. I was also grateful that they followed the rules when using the kitchen, toilet, and bathroom. I was able to make Japanese foods with him and chat with him, and we got to know each other better, so I took him to a nearby conveyor belt sushi restaurant and traditional Japanese garden culture, and he was very happy. He thanked me for making the homestay enjoyable. thank you very much.

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  • Aprile 2020

    Eric was a very nice guest. We all got along great and enjoyed the time he spent with us. He left the room spotless.

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