Próximo viaje

Emmanuelle no tiene viajes próximos

Viajes pasados

Emmanuelle se alojó anteriormente con 2 familias de acogida

Stayed in julio 2015
Enniscorthy - Ireland

Conoce a Margaret

Familia anfitriona de Homestay Margaret  en ,
Stayed in julio 2015
Enniscorthy - Ireland

Conoce a Margaret

Familia anfitriona de Homestay Margaret  en ,

Reseñas de familias de acogida

Emmanuelle tiene 2 reseñas

  • julio 2017


  • julio 2017

    We enjoyed having Emmanuelle and her son in our home. They blended in very quickly and soon became part of the family. We spent alot of time together because Emmanuelle found it difficult driving safely here so we drove her to specific places and we had picnics etc there as a big family. Emmanuelle is very active and likes to keep on the go. She loved garlic gread!!She was a pleasure to host. Amities .

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