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Recensioni dalle famiglie ospitanti

Klaus ha 3 recensioni

  • Gennaio 2022

    He is reliable, sociable and good-fun person in you’r life, you don’t have a just guest actually you have a friend so with Klaus you will have a hear good stories from everywhere and that would be great time.

  • Dicembre 2021

    It was a great pleasure to host  dear Klaus.
    such a profound,knowledgeable gentleman he is.
    If you have a chance  for hosting him do NOT hesitate.

  • Dicembre 2021

    Unfortunately I wasn't at home while dear Klaus staying with my family, but we connected part from each other every day, and my family was very pleased of hosting him, they say he is very knowledgeable, kind, gentleman, friendly and honest. They had really good and enjoyable moments with him, then if you have a chance for hosting him don't lose it.
    Hope to see you Klaus soon.

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