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Il prossimo viaggio

Luc non ha viaggi futuri.

Viaggi precedenti

Luc ha gia' soggiornato presso 2 homestay.

Ho soggiornato a Giugno 2016
Enniscorthy - Ireland

Incontra Margaret

Alloggio homestay con Margaret  in ,
Ho soggiornato a Giugno 2016
Killarney - Ireland

Incontra Catriona

Alloggio homestay con Catriona in ,

Recensioni dalle famiglie ospitanti

Luc ha 1 recensione

  • Luglio 2017

    Luc was a fabulous guest to have. He was very independent but when he was at home with us he became part of the family.We stayed up chatting until very very late each night and we talked about everything. He enjoyed 2 meals at O'Connors in Tinahely and had a few pints in Egans pup in Parkbridge, down the road. On his last morning he played football with the children and our French student. Then we all went down to my mams house to watch the soccer match and Luc cheered and roared like us all. We were very sad to see him head off to Glendalough. But he left me two large cans of maple syrup. He has sent me postcards and e- mails and photos over the past year. He was a real pleasure to have and maybe we will see him again some day.

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